It is how you can earn quick dollars with in accomplishing surveys, and offers. One of the definitive means of make money online.
Companies, i mean any good companies are willing to spent their ads money solely to surveying their customer's. A good look out on what consumers want, needs, territorial etc to fully maximize their marketing campaign. For them to make more money, and offcourse us who benefit from this make money online scheme.
Some websites offer its service to these companies, and they will pay us, a customer, good money for reviewing and taking surveys. Companies such as cash crate and TreasureTrooper are amongst some of the website that offers this extra income. Join as many as you could handle, look for one accepting your country, if you are in USA this should n matter. But be careful with some of websites that requires you to paid them fee. I wouldn't really trust them.
Paid to Take Survey and Offer
Posted by MotoKuliner | 7:45 PM | Get Paid To, Paid to Take Survey's | 0 comments »Since 1999, we have observed the promotional efforts of many
thousands of SiteSell affiliates. There is a definite
pattern by those who succeed. High commission earners start
just like you right now, by reading this letter. Then they...
1) Continue by getting off to a FAST and FOCUSED start.
2) Recommend Site Build It! ("SBI!"), proudly and highly,
for a simple and honest reason... it WORKS!
3) Own SBI! and speak passionately about it online AND off.
4) PREsell instead of SELL. This creates credibility, the
key to high conversions. It's a simple 2-stage process...
i) Build credibility for yourself through your own *UNIQUE*
voice and content. Provide value to your visitors.
ii) Build credibility for SiteSell by explaining how SBI! is
better than anything else. This creates the vital trust and
credibility to put your prospect in an open, ready-to-buy
mood. Without trust, people are hesitant to buy.
5) Diversify income through multiple revenue streams. In
other words, they earn income through Google AdSense, other
affiliate programs, and so forth.
AdSense? Other programs? Yes...
Affiliate Manager Erin Nield is here to help you do more
than merely be a successful SiteSell affiliate. We want you
to succeed at other affiliate programs, too, and diversify
even further by adding other income models.
In short... build a high-income, multiple stream business.
If you do that, you will thrive for a long, long time.
Here's the bottom line...
Master the above 5 points. You'll be on your way to earning
a solid income for years to come. I guarantee it.
OK, now let's show you HOW to do that. :-)
You do NOT have to own SBI! to promote it. Some affiliates
who were already highly successful (when registering) make
high monthly checks without owning SBI!. Some do purchase
SBI!. This enables them to speak with even more credibility!
In other words, they build a second successful business.
That said, though, if you are already successful online, the
answer is, "No, you do not need to own SBI! to succeed."
However, many people do struggle online. If you are less
successful than you'd like to be, Site Build It! will do
more than help you be a successful 5 Pillar Affiliate. You
will build a highly profitable e-business.
Remember, it's not about getting a site or a
blog up "quick and easy." So many people get
a site or blog up-and-running in a day. Then
they struggle for a year(s) before giving up.
We call that...
"Instant Gratification, Delayed Mortification"
SBI!, on the other hand, is a relentless
journey to building a real business, one that
changes your life forever. BIG difference.
These are all genuine, ongoing and growing...
Here are the list that i involved in. As the list will keep growing they are make sure and checked from the scam list.
right click the banner to start. They open on a new window or tab
PTC Rate: $0.01, $0.015 for premium
Referral Rate: $0.007, 0.01 for premium
Timer: 30 seconds
Average Ads/day: 30
Minimum Payout: $9.00
At Donkeymails, we offer you the possibility to upgrade your membership
When you upgrade you will get an advertising package and free referrals.
When people visit our website without a referral id, a random upgraded member will be selected.
Small Donkeys for instance get 2x their referral id inserted, where Huge Donkeys get there id inserted 6 times.
When you upgrade your free membership to a Baby Donkey Membership, you will receive the following benefits:
- Free Referrals - Your referral url will be 1 x randomly inserted for surfers visiting the web site without a referral url.
- 25.000 Free Banner views
A Baby Donkey membership costs you 7.50$ for a 1 year upgrade.
Upgrade to a Small Donkey Membership and receive the following benefits:
- Your referral url will be 2 x randomly inserted for surfers visiting the web site without a referral url.
- 50.000 Free Banner views
A Small Donkey membership costs you 15$ for a 1 year upgrade.
A Big Donkey Membership contains the following benefits:
- Free Referrals - Your referral url will be 3 x randomly inserted for surfers visiting the web site without a referral url.
- 100.000 Free Banner views
A Big Donkey membership costs you 25$ for a 1 year upgrade.
A Huge Donkey Membership gives you the following benefits:
- Your referral url will be 6 x randomly inserted for surfers visiting the web site without a referral url.
- 250.000 Free Banner views
A Huge Donkey membership costs you 50$ for a 1 year upgrade.
Super Big Donkey Referral Membership contains the following benefits:
- Free Referrals - Your referral url will be 5 x randomly inserted for surfers visiting the web site without a referral url. As long as you are an upgraded member
- 50.000 Free Banner views Each Month as long as you are an upgraded member
- 2,000 PTC 0.1 Cent Each Month as long as you are an upgraded member
- 25 Referrals extra in your donkeymails downline each 6 months
A Super Big Donkey Referral Membership costs you 7.99$ for a 1 month upgrade. (only available as month subscription!)
A Super Huge Donkey Referral Membership contains the following benefits:
- Free Referrals - Your referral url will be 10 x randomly inserted for surfers visiting the web site without a referral url. As long as you are an upgraded member
- 100.000 Free Banner views each month as long as you are an upgraded member
- 5,000 PTC 0.1 Cent each Month as long as you are an upgraded member
- 25 Referrals extra in your donkeymails downline each 3 months (they will be delivered via
A Super Huge Donkey Referral membership costs you 15$ for a 1 month upgrade. (only available as month subscription!)

PTC Rate: $0.01 - $0.15, $0.1 - $0.2 for Gold Membership
Referral Rate: $0.005 - $0.01, 0.01 - 0.02 for Gold Membership
Timer: 30 seconds
Average Ads/day: 4
Minimum Payout: $3.0
The Complete web marketing system. It's crazy, there's nothing like it. By nothing i mean nothing like it ^^. The whole package for you newbie or you serious affiliate marketers.
What others have to say;
" Literally, you plug into system, then you spin your own World Wide Web, by following the simple steps outlined in the 22+ video tutorials. Then you rake in 12+ streams of income opportunity. NEVER SELL ANYTHING, NEVER TALK TO ANYONE, GET PAID, PERIOD "